Trust your intuition and success will follow
Sherman Ray
Entrepreneur, #1 Best-Selling author, mom and motivational speaker
Hi Everyone,
I'm Sherman Ray, Entrepreneur, Publisher and CEO of SRay Media Group LLC, publishers of Black Success Magazine, Livin in Vegas Magazine and the founder of the Black Business Chamber of Commerce in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Over my 20 years of business I've gone from being the bottom to the top of every organization I've been a part of. In all of those years the one thing I've learned, "Everything rises and falls on Leadership." There is no substitute for it. If you are a weak leader, you'll have a weak organization.
This is something I learned from my mentor John Maxwell, whom I've followed for over 20 years now. This is why I decided to start Black Success Magazine over 10 years ago, to speak into the lives of men and women of color who, like me wanted to become better leaders and in turn successful.
In 2020 I published my first magazine Black Success Magazine and following that accomplishment I went on to found The Black Business Chamber of Commerce in Las Vegas where I began speaking into the lives of our growing membership.
That year, under the pandemic we all know as Covid, our team was able to host events, including the first ever black-led Golf Tournament and I became the Executive Producer of Las Vegas Speaks television show.
I felt my work was done with the founding of the Chamber and started my own media company SRay Media Group LLC.
Our main body of work is focused on developing the brand Livin In Vegas Magazine, with a podcast and ultimately a Television Show, but my heart still longs to speak into the lives of Blacks in America.
Black Success Magazine is back!
My work as a leader, creative and motivator must find an outlet, and BSM will be that outlet, so get ready folks.