You work hard all day, play all night and in between you try and find some time to spend with your spouse and kids, but when are you going to get some real rest for yourself? All that work and play leads to burnout and at worst frustration because you're always tired.
Studies show that if you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, that you have the energy to get all those projects and meetings accomplished, not only on time but with focus. So if that's true, then let's find a way to shut off the world for just a little while and get some real rest.
Stay Regular
There is an old say, "early to bed, early to rise". Well there is some truth that adage. We all have 24 hours in a day to work with and your physical health depends on you not burning your proverbial candle at both ends just for a buck.
Whatever your schedule permits, stay consistent with shutting off the world at a certain time and turning it back on at a certain time.

Avoid Exercise or Electronics Viewing
This can be kind of controversial but there is some science behind getting prepared physically to get rest. When you exercise you release all kinds of chemicals that make you more alert thus working against going back to sleep.
The same thing happens when you view a monitor from an electronic device, specifically a computer, cellphone or ipad. That blue light triggers your brain to stay awake. If you want to read something before going to sleep, grab a book and read. Nothing better for you than the wake up in the morning having drifted off to sleep reading a good romance novel.
Find a quiet dark place
It's virtually impossible to get descent rest when there are all kinds of distractions in the room. That includes your cellphone, laptop or ipad. The lights and sounds from these devices are a rest killer. Don't worry, that urgent call from your next client can wait. You aren't doing anyone any good, if physically you are a wreck, so kill the lights, put a sign on the door that says "Don't disturb" and relax.

Temperature is Key
Tossing and turning in bed is a sure sign that you are uncomfortable but how? One of the things we overlook is the temperature in the room. Depending on the region of the country you live in, the range of temps swings wildly and especially at night.
Set your thermostat on cold. I mean colder than you normally think. In my home, we turn the AC down to 72 deg. but for you it may be even cooler. There is something about being in a cold environment that tells your body, snuggle and mini-hybernate. You'll wake up the next morning with all kinds of lines in your face from getting deep in the sheets with restful sleep.